
Infant Baptism

Within a month of birth. Contact the priest prior to due date. A letter of good standing is required for a godparent from his/her priest. The baptismal name must be taken from a saint.


Confession is available Sundays during Mass when a second priest is available. All other days, Confession is available from 9:00 am – 9:45 am and during Mass.

First Holy Communion

Classes for First Holy Communion take place annually once the child reaches the age of reason. Please contact the priest for more information.


Classes for Confirmation take place annually. Please contact the priest for more information.


Preceded by a minimum of six months of marriage preparation with a priest. Men should consult the priest prior to proposing marriage.

Anointing of the Sick

Please contact the priest if you or a loved one are in need of this Sacrament.

Instruction for Converts

Convert instruction is 6-12 months of instruction with a priest. Please contact the priest for more information.

To express your interest in any of these Sacraments, please contact us here.